Autistic patients suffer from some common disorders like Asperger’s syndrome, insomnia, aphasia, apraxia et. Autistic sufferers also have a problem socialising and when it comes to touch they do not encourage any one touching them nor they would like to touch anyone. This problem is also called as Sensory Integration (SI).
Sensory integration in autistic children could lead to behavioural in-tendencies like avoiding movements, sounds, touch and sight.
Problems Associated with Sensory Integration: SI is a common occurrence among autistic children. Children with SI exhibit unusual patterns which can adversely affect their daily activities. Let us look at some:
- over react or under react to touch, sight, sound, taste and smell
- staying focussed can be very problematic
- frequently withdraw from socialising
- lack of self-control
- developmental delays
- easily get frustrated
The above patterns are the most common symptoms of autistic children and almost all these problems are related to the sense organs. If not addressed at the right time, SI can have an adverse effect on the child.
Auditory Problems: Auditory problems caused due to SI is a common sign among autistic children. The slightest of the sounds could also act as distractions for an autistic child.
- For instance, squeaking of a chalk, turning a page et. would distract an autistic child not allowing to concentrate on the task at hand (especially learning at school).
- Addressing sensory integration problems in autistic children has to done as quickly as possible. Infants, toddlers, and young children can have SI problems. But, if the problems seem to be excessive it is better to seek the help of an Occupational Therapist and discuss the necessary therapies that would help better your child.
- SI related auditory problems usually have a significant affect on a child’s speech and and language. These problems would cause difficulties in understanding the speaker’s words and would prompt unwanted conversations and difficulties in selecting the right word to use in a conversation.
SI can cause phonetic problems, inaudible speech, unwanted and hyper-reactions to loud sounds in autistic children.