Do you know what dyscalculia is? Going further, do you know what the possible causes of dyslexia are? If you are our regular reader, we have written the answer for the first question. For the second one, we will give the answer in this article.
This article is written as the second part of dyscalculia series and we will be focusing on possible causes of dyscalculia as the main topic.
To comfort your learning about dyscalculia, this article is structured as follows:
- Possible causes of dyscalculia
- Interventions for dyscalculia
By reading this article, optimistically you will derive useful information about dyscalculia.
We wish you a very happy learning!
Possible causes of dyscalculia
What causes dyscalculia? Genetic component would be the most possible cause of dyscalculia. Based on studies about dyscalculia, evidence was discovered that dyscalculia is closely related to genetic material.
For example, if one identical twin is a dyscalculic person, there is a possibility around 70 percent that the other twin will be suffering from dyscalculia.
In the case for non-identical twins (non-identical twins have less genetic material in shared than those of identical twins, yet they still share the same environment), they have a lower chance at approximately 55 percent.
Interventions for dyscalculia
An intervention for dyscalculia in order to help children with dyscalculia to understand simple number concepts of arithmetic have been developed and it has positive early results (although still under evaluation).
Therefore, since dyscalculia studies are still at a fairly early stage, very small number of related guidelines, methods, or strategies have been produced. Moreover, still relatively small of them are able to help dyscalculic people in a very effective and efficient way.
A better and more accurate prevalence assessment and further information about the effectiveness of interventions for dyscalculia would create a more effective provision.
In the next article, we will write further about interventions for dyscalculia.