The field of speech language pathology is beginning to gain popularity among people and more and more are opting for this field as a career. Many interested candidates are getting into speech therapy schools to become qualified speech therapists. But, before gaining admission into a school or college, it is important to check for certain criteria and pre-requisites about the college and about yourself.
Getting into Speech Therapy Schools: Before deciding upon one school, it is necessary to do a little research about the schools, the admission procedures and policies and the necessary qualifications required by the school to become a speech language pathologist.
- First thing to do is, to go through the websites or prospectus of each school or college that offer your chosen field of course. Find out about their admission policy, the ranking the school has in imparting education et. Some schools want people with academic achievements while some would prefer traveling experience, some might ask for minimum 3.0 in your under graduation if you are seeking Masters. The best thing to do as far as this is concerned is to go through the weekly newsletters of the school/university that would have the views of the alumni.
- Secondly, the right amount of knowledge and creative ideas are a must. Once, you have chosen which schools to apply to, start reading and gain knowledge about the techniques of speech therapy. Reading 3-4 good books is a must. If you can bank on your creativity, invent creative and innovative ways of therapy before hand, as this can help in the interview.
- Thirdly, leave enough time for preparation before your entrance exam or interview. Preferably a year, if not more should be allocated for proper preparation of an application and study. This cannot be a spur of the moment thing. This time will also allow you to complete any prerequisites that the university or school asks of you. Also, leaving enough time between the application and deadline improves your chances of being shortlisted.
- Fourthly, there exist a few standardized tests that one might be required to give before being accepted into a school. It is important to give the test at the appropriate time. Taking the test too early or too late would only waste your time and there is every chance of unlearning everything.
- Lastly, it is important to maintain high grades when in school. High grades are as important as your extra-curricular activities at the school. Most schools have a cut-off minimum grade to consider an application.
Getting into speech therapy schools and being a speech therapist is an idea that one has to develop at a very early age. Proper planning and achieving grades throughout the career is very important to face the competition and stand in this field.