When you walk or run, sometimes you land on the outside edge of your foot and roll inwards. This inward rolling is called as pronation. Most runners face pronation and some of them experience overpronation i.e excess inward rolling of foot . The runners who overpronate frequently are called overpronators.
Overpronation causes injury, stress and pain. This movement can only be relieved by selecting a good running shoes and other physical activities. Here are few types of shoes explained that can be chosen by the overpronators for better running and thus reducing the risk of injuries.
Trail Shoes – If you wish to run on off-roads frequently and would like to have weather and water resistant shoes, you can wear trail shoes. Trail shoes have great out-sole traction and they are built low to the ground for a better stability on rough roads.
Stability Shoes – If you wish to have good cushioning in the middle of the sole and medial support during running, you can wear stability shoes. They are very much good for overpronators and they give extra durability and support.
Racing Shoes – If you have a biochemically efficient stride and wish to have lightweight and fast running shoes, you may wear racing shoes.
Performance Training Shoes – If you wish to have well-balanced, lightweight shoes for running, you may wear performance training shoes. They are suitable for daily training, speed-work or racing and perfect for efficient and fast runners.
Motion Control Shoes – If you overpronate heavily or moderately while running, you can go for motion control shoes. They give you support on the arch-side of the foot and provide you with maximum rear-foot control. They even provide durability and plenty of support. They are perfectly suited for heavy or big runners.
Cushioned Shoes – If you are a runner who needs minimum medial support and maximum mid-sole cushioning, you can wear cushioned shoes. They are best suited for forefoot or mid-foot strikers and biochemically efficient runners.