Bad breath during pregnancy is often listed because many women complain experiencing halitosis or an unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth. Bad breath is caused is caused due to the hormonal changes or due to a dental health issue.
Bad breath is caused due to some change in health, diet or life style. Consult a doctor if a careful oral care practice do not clear up the problem.
Causes of Bad Breath During Pregnancy:
The calcium needs in a women during pregnancy increases and are at a risk of tooth decay if the required calcium needs are not met. If the diet taken is deficient of calcium, so the body takes the mineral from the tooth required for the development of the baby. When tooth decay and gum disease starts in the the mouth they contribute to sudden bad breath.
Pregnant women should alway have a dental checkups and should always be under the supervision of the doctor. This helps in preventing the problem of bad breath because it is very difficult to undergo medical procedures during pregnancy. Pregnant women feel metallic taste in the mouth which is not bad breath.
Bad Breath due to Morning sickness:
Morning sickness is the leading factor for causing bad breath in pregnant women. It is caused due to rising levels of chemical reactions in the brain that causes nausea sensation. This nausea feeling results in vomiting which again has its own odor thats tends to bad breath.
The stomach acids and the partially digested food particles are expelled out through the mouth. These food materials cause noxious smells in the mouth resulting in bad breath.
How to Avoid Bad Breath: