Bronchiolitis is an inflammation of bronchioles. Bronchioles are the tiny air passages of lungs. Usually, inflammation is due to viruses. This term refers to acute viral bronchiolitis. This is most common disease in infants. Bronchiolitis is caused by respiratory syncytial virus. Other viruses that cause the disease include influenza, coronavirus, rhinovirus, metapneumovirus, parainfluenza and adenovirus. There are several treatments for treating bronchiolitis.
Treatments for Bronchiolitis:
Bronchiolitis do not have any effective and specific treatment. Therapy is the supportive treatment.
- Conservative Measures:
Often small meals are encouraged for maintaining hydration as evidenced by urine output. In some cases, oxygen is needed to maintain oxygen levels in blood. Nasopharnyx is sucked to clear the airways. Infants are fed through nasogastric tube in serious conditions. Sometimes they also need intravenous fluids.Mechanical ventilation is required in extreme serious cases. - Hypertonic Saline:
Initially hypertonic saline is suggested for cystic fibrosis patients. It increased hydration of secretions and hence facilitates their removal. Nebulized 3% saline or epinephrine with 0.9% saline or epinephrine has not showed any difference on emergency room patients. In other study, aerosolized 3% saline solution or 1.5mg epinephrine have showed improvement in inpatient people. This reduced the length of hospital stay among infants with mild and non-asthmatic viral bronchiolitis when compared to aerosolized 0.9% saline solution or 1.5mg of epinephrine. - Bronchodilators:
Drugs like albuterol/salbutamol or ipratropium are not suggested, but most doctors offer trial dose to check the impact of medicine. This is particularly given to detect the family history of asthma, as it is difficult to differentiate bronchiolitis from viral induced asthma. - Non Effective:
Ribavirin has controversial role in treating respiratory syncytial virus infection. This medication is sometimes used for infants with pre-existing heart, lung or immune disease. Often, antibiotics are given to treat bacterial infection, but do not have any effect on viral infections. Corticosteroids are not effective on bronchiolitis treatment and not recommended too.