Bad bacteria inside the mouth causes bad breath along with gum problems and they recur frequently. If the mouth is left unchecked for few hours there are chances of millions of bacteria piling up inside the mouth.
This bacterium causes foul smell in the mouth and also forms a plaque inside it. Plaque is a sticky white substance and it, in turn, forms a tartar which is a calcified substance. Tartar formation is a serious problem and is impossible to eradicate it without following good basic oral hygiene.
Tartar cannot be removed by the usage of toothpastes or mouthwashes. Good dental hygiene can be got in few months if a person follows an effective oral hygiene. An anti-bacterial toothpaste or a mouthwash that is free from harsh chemicals can definitely help in obtaining good oral dental hygiene.
How Bad Breath Gum Diseases are Related:
Teeth can be affected by periodental diseases and this is caused when the plaque forms a constant film on the teeth. This causes the gums to become inflamed. Due to which the gums swell, bleed and turn red in color.
This is called the mildest form of gingivitis and it may or may not cause pain. It is caused when a person does not follow the basic oral hygiene. It can be cured if a professional treatment and good oral home care is followed by any person.
If gingivitis is not treated immediately it can cause periodontitis which is the advanced stage. The plaque spreads and grows below the gum line. The toxins produced by the bacteria stimulates a chronic inflammatory response which destroys the tissue and the bone that supports the teeth from breaking.
These infected gums gets separated from the teeth by forming pockets which are the gaps between the teeth that gets infected. If the pockets deepens then the gums tissues and the bone gets destroyed. This results in loosening of the teeth and they may have to be removed.