Ischaemic heart disease is also known as the Coronary Heart Disease.Smoking, whether it is active or passive is closely related to the risk of Coronary Heart disease.This article tries to understand how relationship between smoking and Coronary Heart Disease.
What is Coronary Heart Disease?
- The heart requires a continuous supply of oxygen rich blood for its proper functioning.
- The arteries are the paths through which the oxygen reaches the heart.
- If fats deposit or the blood clots in the arteries,the heart stops receiving sufficient amount of blood.
- When there is a shortage of the oxygen rich blood supply to the heart, it leads to Coronary Heart Diseases.
- On interruption of blood supply,the person experiences chest pain.
- If this condition prolongs it can weaken the heart muscles and lead to heart attack.
Active Smoking and Ischaemic Heart Disease:
- Smoking raises the cholesterol level.It increases the fat deposits in the arteries.
- Smoking raises the risks of both formation and occurring of blood clotting.
- Carbon monoxide present in the tobacco hampers the supply of oxygen to the heart.
- Smoking causes rise in heart beats.Within 10 minutes, the heart beat can rise by 30%.
Passive Smoking and Ischaemic Heart Disease:
- The relationship between Passive Smoking and Ischaemic Heart Disease was ignored in past.
- Recent studies suggest that passive smokers have 50% to 60% of risks to develop Coronary Heart Disease.
- The revelations of these studies are in complete contrast to the previous studies because the present day passive smokers are exposed to smoke at home,workplace and several public places.
Quitting Smoking and Ischaemic Heart Disease:
- Studies suggest that within five years of quitting smoking, the risk of Coronary Heart Disease is reduced completely.
- We can reduced the re occurrence of heart attack by half, if we quit smoking.
- People already suffering from complications like diabetes and blood pressure can get benefited the most.
- These findings hold good for any age group.It means, IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO QUIT SMOKING !!!