There has been a surge in interest in herbal smoke cessation items of late in the United States. There are plenty of herbal and homeopathic products available in the market. Are they effective and safe? Before you start using any herbal remedy, ask your doctor whether it will be safe to use and about any possible side effects.
Herbal Products to Quit Smoking
Read on to know more about a few common herbal aids that may help you to quit smoking for good.
Burdock Root Herbal Remedy
This weed naturally occurs in some areas of North America. Actually, research has not been done to prove its efficacy in helping to quit smoking. Burdock root can be lethal if consumed in large quantities. Besides, it looks similar to some toxic plants. Burdock root is an ingredient in a few herbal remedies. This substance should not be used separately.
Echinacea Herbal Remedy
This plant is common in North America. Echinacea has a few medicinal values, and can boost the immune system. But, studies on this herb have led to conflicting results regarding its effectiveness. Echinacea is used in combination with other herbs in a few smoking cessation aids. It should not be used on its own.
Hyssop Herbal Remedy
These are a group of plants found in the Mediterranean region. They are combined with other herbs in smoking cessation remedies. Hyssop can be fatal if consumed in large doses. So, be cautious while using this herb.
Valerian Root Herbal Remedy
This herb can treat many medical conditions. It is used in combination with other herbs in smoking cessation aids.
Herbal Smoking
This refers to smoking exotic plants, instead of tobacco. Herbal smoking means smoking cigarettes with mainly natural ingredients, without any of the nicotine contained in tobacco. However, the effectiveness of herbal cigarettes has not been conclusively proven. Therefore, do not indulge in herbal smoking, while trying to quit usage of tobacco products.