Lemon is an accessory food, often used with meals and snacks. Lemon is rich in Vitamin C And Citric Acid. Lemon helps in increasing the flavor and taste of food items. It also acts as a preservative. Due to its high potassium content, it is a good detoxifying agent. Lemon is used as an appetiser.
Benefits Of Lemon Water:
It is natural. A nice mood refresher. lemon has no calories in it. It has been proved effective in losing weight. Lemon drink can be prepared at home within least time. And is very easily available at cheap price. Lemon can reduce the need for salt in the food. Lemon helps maintaining the pH in the body. It is a natural antiseptic and also helps in absorption of more calcium in the body. Lemon can also kill harmful bacteria in the body due to its acidic properties.
How Is Lemon Effective In Weight Loss:
- Losing weight is dependent on a proper digestive system. Poor digestion limits the body to burn fat properly. It also builds up unnecessary toxins in the body. Which will never support an weight loss approach.
- Lemon juice is rich in citric acid. It can increase the rate of secretion of digestive juices in the body.
- Pectin is found in the peel of a lemon. It converts into a sticky gel after digestion. This gel prevents the stomach from absorbing more sugar quickly. This reduces the urge to eat more.
- People consume more amount of Vitamin C while eating or drinking lemon. It activates the immune system of the body and also helps in better digestion.
How To Consume Lemon:
Most popular method is ‘Flat Water With Lemon’. Human beings always need around 2 litres of liquid in a day. Drinking only water sometimes do not get possible. We go for other drinks that are more tasty. In that case, we can always opt for a lemon juice drink which has no calories in comparison with other drinks and is a good refresher also.
- Add juice of a complete lemon to one glassful of water. The water used can be of your choice. You may prefer tap water, mineral water or filtered water. Some also prefer cold water, but warm water is better.
- You can also take boiled water, add a slice of lemon to it, and drink like tea.
- Grind the whole lemon in the morning after cleaning it. Add the puree to your drink the whole day to help in detoxification of your body.
- Mix lemon puree with tea and vinegar. You will enhance your chances of weight loss.