Fluid-filled sacs resembling blisters in the ovary are called Ovarian cysts. These growths are formed on the two almond shaped organs present on each side of the uterus. The whole cycle of follicle and egg production and disintegration does not conclude perfectly. Hence cysts are formed. An imbalance in the female hormones – estrogen and progesterone cause this.
Obesity Epidemic is rising every hour in the US. With this, there has been a steady rise in the number of Ovarian Cystic patients. Over-weighing women are prone to Ovarian Cysts and Ovarian Cancer. Becoming obese is just not about gaining a greasy layer under your skin. Its much more than making us ugly and plumpy. Fat has many biological functions in our body. They can produce many chemicals which affects our body. Hormones like – Estrogen are produced by these fat tissues. This is the prime factor responsible for not only the occurrence of cysts but also endometriosis, fibroids, fibrocystic disease etc. in our ovary.
Eating and lifestyle can also be another connection between obesity and ovarian cysts. You need to put a check on your faulty lifestyles in order to prevent ovarian cysts in women.
- Lack of physical activities or exercise
- Intake of excess dietary calories
- Low fiber containing diet
- Little consumption of fruits and vegetables (leafy vegetables)
All the above mentioned traits can lead to increase in the estrogen levels in our body. Fibres like – Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage and Brussel sprouts can interfere or block the production of excess estrogen stimulating in our ovaries. 2 tbs of ground flaxseeds can be used in the diet to regulate hormonal systems in our body.
The most common symptoms associated are:
- a dull ache in the abdomen
- a feeling of pressure or a sense of fullness in the abdomen
- pain during intercourse
- delayed, irregular or painful periods
The Pain or pressure in the abdomen can be caused due to several reasons: size of a cyst, bleeding from a cyst, bursting of a cyst or torsion (twisting of a cyst) which may block the blood flowing to the cyst.
An annual pelvic examination can be used to diagnose ovarian cysts. Other tests including ultrasound and laparoscopy may be recommended.