The additional fat cells which are stored in the body are known as Cellulite. The fat cells are separated by connective tissues into little compartments. Men have crisscross compartments whereas women have honey combed shaped compartments. Some women experience dimply thighs or cottage cheese looking arms. The reason behind this is honey combed shaped compartments.
It is simple to get rid off cellulite but it is not easy. In order to reduce cellulite, one has to reduce overall body fat. You cannot starve or rub a cream on it.
Ways of Getting Rid off Cellulite:-
- Break your meals into 5 to 6 meals. Consume meals throughout the day. Meal should contain protein and carb in it. Change your diet. Your diet should not have fat, sugar and calorie intake in it. It must be comprised of bananas, watermelon and citrus fruits. Within an hour after walking, the first meal should be consumed.
- Intake a lot of vitamins in your diet, in order to reduce cellulite from your body. Vitamins such as calcium, helps you in reducing body fat. Gamma linoleic acid, helps you in burning more calories. Potassium helps you in combating fluid retention.
- In order to get rid of cellulite drink water. Drink at least two liters a day. Water helps to flush the toxins and increases the metabolism. At each meal, drink a cup of water.
- Take rest. One must take 48 hours rest between strength training the same muscles. Sleep for 7 to 8 hours per night. It is advisable to take 1-2 days off from exercising per week.
- At different intensity level and different session level, cardio should be done. Such as low intensity and long session, high intensity and short session.
- 1- 3 times per week, do strength training exercise. Lift proper weight and perform sets for your strength training method.
- If you really want to reduce cellulite, exercise daily. Even a little bit of exercise will help you to reduce cellulite. For better results, try and work vigorously. Cottage cheese look will be reduced once once you start losing your weight.
- You can also use body brushing to reduce your cellulite. It helps in ex-foliates and improves circulation in the body.