We often make choices at the grocery stores or at the restaurants that are harmful for us as they make us gain weight. Sometimes we do know that what we are doing is not the right thing to do; but it is only when someone points out at our mistakes and offer solutions that we realise our faults and try to rectify them. This article makes an effort to help you make wise decisions.
Break Bad Eating Habits
- What Fat We Take: You don’t need to know how much fat you are consuming, what you have to know is what kind is it. People have difficulty in choosing between good and bad fats. What we need to take is mono saturated fats and poly unsaturated ones; the ones we have to avoid are the Trans and saturated fat. The sources for good fats are: soybeans, fish, avocados, peanuts and canola oils.
- Supersizing At Restaurants: In order to optimise the value of our money we often supersize a meal. We forget that it is definitely not a healthy bargain. What we need to pick for ourselves are: one protein, one veggie, one starch and a fruit based food. Again we should also consider the portions. A man would need to have a larger portion than a female, again children will have even smaller portions.
- Treat Fluids As Calories: We have this notion that liquids only quench thirst, that’s it; however, the truth is each and every fluid barring water is a massive source of calories. Calories that would not make you feel full, so you will eat to satisfy your hunger even if you had a large soda or fruit juice.Even a diet cold drink is bad because it makes you gain weight in a different way.
- How Does Being Hungry Feel: You have never felt how hungry you are. Before eating relax and see how hungry you are.Eat slowly and eat according to your hunger. When you eat slowly you have the sense of fullness. Never eat so much that you feel too filled up.
- Microwave Food Addiction: We often come back from wokplace and make ourselves a microwaved processed food. This is not only loaded with fats but they also do not have any fiber or any anti-oxidants like vitamin C. Fruits and salads are good ideas.
Just change the way you make decisions to change the way you look.