Most researchers voice the same opinion that — inactivity and overeating are not the only causes of obesity in people or in children. Governments like the one in Britain believe that lifestyle affects the obesity rates to a great extent. Some researchers explain obesity to be a passive phenomenon that doesn’t always require over-indulgence in foods or inactivity but effective ways to flush fat out of the minds or foreseeing the dangers of obesity.
The British Department of Health sponsored a study which included the results of about 250 scientists. The experts claimed that would take as long as almost 30 years to actually reverse the trend of obesity in children and adults.
Depend less on Technology to Lose Weight
Experts believe that the technological revolution has caused people to depend more on cars, vehicles, etc thereby facilitating movement and reachability . However, such technological developments have made people opt for more comfortable modes of transport rather than walking for example.
What is the government doing about flushing the fat out of society?
Researchers say that governments are taking an initiative to tackle the ‘obesity epidemic’ which can be as catastrophic as global warming. For instance, awareness programs to encourage healthy eating and exercise.
Researchers however have arrived on a consensus that ‘personal responsibility’ has a lot to do with tackling obesity.
5 Ways to Burn Fat
Some effective ways to burn fat are listed below:
- Quit vehicles and start walking
- Encourage healthy eating patterns in your children
- Switch to healthier purchasing patterns
- Reduce screen time for your family and engage in more games and outdoor activity
- Make your kitchen cholesterol or fat-free
The British Health Department claims that by 2050, about 60% of men, 50% of women and 25% of children will need obesity help in Britain alone. Alter your lifestyle now to cut calories today rather than regretting about the same tomorrow.