Most of the people suffer from unusual and typical phobias; if it is not corrected in time then it stays forever. A phobia can be of height, darkness, insects or creatures, or water etc.
What is a Phobia?
Pathologically it can be termed as a strong fear of particular event or thing. Avoiding the cause or situation may interfere with normal life and may lead to suffering. Some of the different kinds of Phobias are agoraphobia- the social phobia of encountering people, animal phobias of rats, dog’s etc. One can treat it with behavior therapy and under extremities usage of drugs has to be done.
How Phobia Occurs?
Some fears or unfavorable incidents get deep rooted. Added things heard from others also strengthen our belief. The phobia occurs on account of forbidding image that gets entrenched in the mind. They make us suspicious and guarded from unpleasant happenings that have taken place in the past. If a person incurs loss in indulging in same things then he becomes apprehensive towards them and tries to give up on account of loses occurred to him. This also happens due to combined effect of superstition and series of events. The mind starts associating independent things and comes to permanent conclusions by combing all the irrelevant events that have occurred due to bad experiences.
How To Check It?
Phobias are nothing but misconception and delusions of the mind. One can get rid of phobias by hammering it at the subconscious state of mind and positive thoughts. Try to program the mind in order to get rid of the particular phobia. By regular practice and self-hypnosis one can get rid of any kind of phobias. By meditating the mind with proper programming and attaining alpha level through concentration, one can over come this disorder of metal state.