Along with LDL and HDL, triglycerides are the third component of cholesterol in blood. The normal level of this form of cholesterol is 150 milligram per deciliter of blood. But when the level is higher than 200 mg/dL, the risk of developing heart ailments is high.
What are Triglycerides?
They are main source of energy to the cells for carrying out routine functions of the body. When compared to nutrients like carbohydrates and proteins, these substances provide double the amount of energy.
The triglycerides are produced and stored in the liver. As the body requires energy, it sends signals through a hormone glucagon to break these substances to fatty acids. The brain cannot directly use the fatty acids. That is why, there is a component in triglycerides called the glycerol. It converts this form of cholesterol to glucose, which can readily be utilized by the brain as its fuel. This process is technically called gluconeogenesis.
Fat cells are also the reserves of triglycerides, which can be broken down to energy molecules of meeting the requirements of body and brain.
What are the Guidelines of Triglycerides Levels?
According to the American Heart Association, the recommended levels are:
S.No. | Triglyceride Levels | Meaning |
1. | |
2. | |
3. | |
4. |
The mentioned levels are relevant when a patient carries out the test after fasting for 8-12 hours.
Facts about Triglycerides Levels:
- Consumption of diet with carbohydrate accounting for 60 percent of it, can risk the levels of triglycerides.
- Carbohydrate consumption can rise the triglyceride levels in women and make them prone to heart diseases more than men.
- Blockage of arteries and veins and stroke are related to high levels of this component in blood. But there are no indicators of the negative impact high levels of triglycerides have on the body, when compared to LDL and HDL.
- Drinking alcohol in moderate levels and regular exercise are good practices.
- In the United States, it is recommended to take up to 3 grams of flax seed oil and fish for omega-3 fatty acids to reduce high levels of triglycerides.