Women have excelled as leaders in all fields that they have ventured into. In the field of politics, business, social as well as religion, they have done well. They have taken up challenges equaling men and proved their competence. On par with men in very respect, they have developed the acumen to contribute well towards the betterment of the society.
As world leaders in politics and as social activists, promoting social causes, they have generated much opinion to better the conditions already existing in their respective societies. They have made sustained efforts as leaders to ensure that political, social and religious harmony prevailed in their respective country. In the field of business they have taken risks and have made investments that have generated much profits.
Why Are Women Successful Leaders?
Women have to constantly prove that they can make a success of anything that they venture upon and have to fight against many odds in a male-dominated society of ours. Men discriminate against them as being inferior to them and often fail to recognize that women can also take up challenging responsibilities. Against this backdrop, women have entered into politics, social and business spheres with full confidence and have performed well.
In politics, many women have left their mark. Even in the developing countries, otherwise considered to be socially and economically backward, many women leaders have made significant contributions. Late Prime Minister of India, Mrs. Indira Gandhi made her mark as a world leader. Being a woman did not deter her from taking major decisions that affected the lives of the citizen of her country. She had courage, determination and will power, and as a leader she understood well the aspirations of her people. She had to lead a country with a large population and had miles to go on the road of progress. She knew it was not an easy task but she faced the situation with conviction. She died for a cause and fell to an assassin’s bullet.
The late Prime Minister of Pakistan, Ms. Benazir Bhutto Zardari faced death boldly. She upheld the principles of democracy and questioned the fundamentalist’s belief systems. She knew death was lurking behind, but was not afraid of it. She too died on account of an assasin’s bullet.
Socially, women have proved their worth. As social activists, they have raised their voice against exploitation of women, subjugation of women and several social evil practices prevalent in less developed countries. Feminists have fought for the rights of women and have proved that they could work shoulder to shoulder with men. Feminist activist Gloria Steinem has many a times raised her voice against male chauvinism and has advocated causes favoring women’s independence.
Socially conscious women writers have highlighted the problems faced by women and have tried to influence the minds of people in favor of women. They actively participated in many forums concerned with women’s issues and have tried to improve their socio-economic conditions. Bangladeshi writer Taslima is facing the wrath of fundamentalists due to her liberal views.
Women have proved successful in the police field, which is traditionally a male domain. In India, Ms. Kiran Bedi, a Magasaysay award winner contributed well as a successful policewoman and held very senior posts in the field. She led the force with determination and courage and never succumbed to political pressures. She has proved that women are born leaders.
In business women have been successful as executives. In mentoring, high-quality work, goal- setting, their performance has been of high order. Many have proved better executives as compared to men.(source) As entrepreneurs they have proved their worth. They have forayed into many business ventures and made a success of them.
Women can excel as leaders. Being feminine does not deter them from attaining their goals. They can be as successful as men in any business venture and can take risks and make profitable investments. They have the confidence, exuberance and enthusiasm to be successful leader.