Fasting on liquids like water or juices for certain days can be an effective colon cleansing technique. There are several techniques for colon cleansing and fasting is a common way of cleansing.
The procedure of fasting is a lengthy and difficult process. It needs expertise and so we suggest consulting a health care practitioner before beginning the fast. This article gives information, but one need to practise this fasting under medical supervision.
What is colon cleansing: Colon cleansing by definition is cleansing the colon to remove the fecal waste and unidentified toxins from the large intestines. It is also referred by the names colon hydrotherapy or colonic irrigation.
The Principle: The basic principle behind the cleansing the colon is that by fasting the muscles of the colon are at rest, as new solid waste is produced. Moreover, the liquids rinse the built up wastes or plaques around the walls.
Below is the procedure for fasting for three days for preliminary cleansing of the colon. This incorporates warm water, apple juice, grape juice and citrus juices such as lime juice and orange juice. The longer fasts of this kind have green juices such as spinach, celery, cucumber, etc. Generally longer fasts benefit more as they give better detoxification.
- The fast should start with a solution of Epsom salts in a quarter cup of warm water and citrus juice. This acts as a laxative to clear the way for the cleansing.
- The next step is taking the two cups of the juice made of 6 oranges, 2 limes with 2 quarts of water every half an hour until it is finished. This keeps your bowels moving all day. Take enema in the evening and after that you can take apple cleansing drink before going to the bed for the first day.
- On the second day, take the following ingredients and make the apple cleansing juice: half cup organic apple juice, one-third cup of water, one teaspoon of bentonite, one teaspoon of whey powder and one heaped teaspoon of psyllium. Take this through out the day at least for five times until it is finished. Follow this on the third day as well.
- You can also take herbal teas, broths and fresh pressed juices in between the apple cleansing drink. This helps you to be hydrated during the fast.
- On the second and third day, take two enemas each day and by the third day the hard matter or the plaque lining your intestine will begin to loosen and get eliminated soon by the treatment.
- Now break your fast on the fourth day by adding carrots and oranges to your liquid diet first. Gradually take steamed and raw vegetables. The next day you can take simple grains and in one more day you can resume your normal diet.