Colon helps the body to filter all the toxins and remove all the harmful toxins. If the toxins are not eliminated from the body, the colon will absorb all those toxins back. And, this will result in the body contracting different illnesses and diseases. In order to avoid that, it is important that the colon is cleansed regularly. To cleanse the colon, there are a few simple home remedies that are quite helpful.
Home Remedies for Cleansing Colon: Here are a few tips to help you have a clean colon.
- Firstly, for a colon cleanse the things you will need is fiber supplement, coffee, herbal laxative tea, psyllium husks, rubber bail syringe and volcanic ash.
- Each day, take fiber supplement at least twice. This will help in encouraging the bowel movements. Taking a fiber supplement is a gently and continuous way of cleaning the colon.
- Volcanic ash can be used to clean all the wastes and toxins from the colon. Volcanic ash can be bought at most of the health food stores. The volcanic ash helps in flushing out all the excess toxins and wastes and especially from the bowel.
- You can consider giving yourself a coffee enema. Make a cup of organic, plain and strong coffee without any added flavors. Wait till the coffee cools. Pour this coffee into a rubber bail syringe. Now, squirt this into your anus and let it sit there for about 2-3 minutes and then take it out. The caffeine present in the coffee will make the colon muscles to contract and that in turn will flush out everything that’s there.
- Psyllium husk is an indigestible fiber that can be used for a quicker flushing out of the excess waste from the colon. Add about 2 tablespoons of psyllium husk in your bakes or in your smoothies. If this quantity does not help, then keep increasing the psyllium husk quantity by a teaspoon until you get the desired results.
- Drinking laxative herbal tea is a gently way to clean the colon. Laxative tea helps in cleaning the bowels.
To have an effective colon cleanse, these home remedies are quite helpful.