Most of the people who have decided to go on a weight loss diet are sure to have tried the fasting method too. Fasting can be done in different forms, a few of them are healthy and the rest are not. However, fasting should be never used as a long term weight loss tool. The most common forms of fasting that people might choose are complete fasting, where in excepting for water no other form of food or drink is consumed. Another form of fast could be the soup fasts, vegetable and fruits fasts or a simple fast where only one meal a day is permitted. No doubt, fasting helps in cleaning out the system from all harmful toxins but is not an effective weight loss tool.
Top 3 Facts of Weight Loss and Fasting
Here are three common facts that prove that fasting is not useful for weight loss:
- Fasting Helps in Losing Weight Super Quickly: No! Fasting does not help in losing weight quickly. What fasting does is that, it slows down the metabolism and when the metabolism is slow, it is difficult to lose weight.
- Fasting Can be Followed for a Longer Period of Time: Well, this is a false one too. If fasting is done for a period of more than two days it is considered to be bad. It is all the more bad when it is coupled with exercises. When you are fasting, your energy levels will drop down drastically and it would be very difficult to carry on simple tasks too, so the question of exercising will not arise at all! Dropping of the sugar levels will lead to other problems. And in the end, you will end up being grumpy and your concentration levels can go for a toss.
- Fasting is the Perfect Tool for Permanent Weight Loss: This is absolutely not possible. Fasting can never show quick results nor can it give any permanent weigh loss results. Permanent weight loss can happen only when you stick to a permanent solid and healthy eating regime and vigorous exercise plan.
Solution: If you want to lose weight quickly, instead of eating three meals a day, increase your meals by six or seven. But, eat mini meals. This will help in speeding up your metabolism and at the same time won’t make you feel hungry and won’t overeat. This will enable you to lose weight much quickly than any other fast. So, rather than fasting, opt for filling yourself up with healthy fruits and vegetables. the best part is, you won’t be depriving yourself from essential vitamins.