Episcleritis is the condition in which acute redness will be noticed in one or both the eyes. It is an inflammatory disease which is caused in the episclera of your eye. Episclera is the thin layer which is found in between the sclera and conjunctiva layers of your eye.
There are two types of Episcleritis. These are Simple Episcleritis and Nodular Episcleritis. Simple Episcleritis is the condition in which mild inflammation takes and which is cured quickly too. It is a common condition that appears very frequently. Whereas, Nodular Episcleritis is a more painful condition which also has the symptoms of soreness on the surface of the eye. This condition affects some part of the eye only.
Symptoms Of Episcleritis:
The symptoms of this condition will include:
- Soreness ans pain will be there in the affected area.
- Affected part will turn red and blood shot.
- Eyes will be filled with water for a long time.
In case, of nodular episcleritis, lumps will be noticed on the white portion (conjunctiva) of your eyes. These lumps can be found moving on the surface of the eyeball.
Causes Of Episcleritis:
The main cause for this condition to appear is not yet known. But this disease have found to affect the cartilage, bones and tendons or other connective tissues of the body. It can be found as a symptom for any one of the following disease. Like:
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Systemic lupus erythematosus
- Gout
- Inflammatory bowel disease like ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease.
- Some bacterial disease like syphilis or Lyme disease can also result in this condition.
Treatment Of Episcleritis:
The conditions of episcleritis does not need any treatment but the in severe situations of nodular episcleritis the treatment is required. Use of non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs and eye drops can serve the purpose.