Low vision is nothing but reduced vision even after the use of corrective lenses or spectacles. Worldwide, for every blind person, there are at least 3 people suffering from low vision. Such is the magnitude of its occurrence. This article describes in details the available low vision aids for these people.
In the US, any person whose sight cannot be corrected beyond 20/200 is considered disabled and is said to be legally blind.
Aids for Low Vision
A majority of people having low vision problems can be helped by the use of low vision aids.
Optical Aids:
The main principle of treating low vision is: magnification of images using different tools. Some examples are given below:
- Hand-held Magnifiers: These are large strips of magnifying glasses that can be mounted on to the reading material. They are the most affordable of such devices and are available in all sizes and shapes. Some of them even have tiny inbuilt lamps for better illumination.
- High Power Lenses: Here, high power reading glasses or bifocals with high power, can be used.
- Reading Telescopes: Hand-held and mounted varieties of reading telescopes are available.
- Video Magnifiers: They are versatile LCD monitors for reading, writing and self-viewing.
Non-Optical or Adaptive Aids:
These are adaptive devices present all around us. Only one has to identify them as low vision aids and adapt them for their convenience.
Also, these are inexpensive and make life easier for individuals with low vision. Some of examples are listed below:
- Large print cookbooks.
- Clocks and watches with large dials and numbers.
- Electronic utilities like audio clocks, thermometers, blood pressure monitors and electronic pill bottles.
- Large tipped felt pens.
- Wallets with compartments for every bill denomination.
- Color-coded containers for small-sized contents such as pills.
- Voice recorders for organizing.
We can consult a visual specialist for retail sources which stock such adaptive aids.
Lighting As Low Vision Aids:
- For people with impaired vision, it is very important to have adequate ambient lighting in their surroundings, particularly in the reading areas.
- Using the brightest bulbs is recommended for light fixtures. Sockets compatible with 150 watts bulbs are recommended for reading lamps.
- Sunlight is believed to be the best for reading. So, arrange furniture such that reading during daytime can be done sitting by the window side.
- Full spectrum light bulbs are recommended. They are known to mimic natural sunlight.
- Avoid fluorescent lights, as they are harsh and cause glare.