Lens solution reactions and eye toxicity are a result of incompatibility that the eye shows towards some solutions. The reaction can be due to the ingredient of the solution or the container in which the lens are being stored or due to the preservative present in the solution.
Lens Solution Reactions and Eye Toxicity: These reactions can be sometimes inflammatory and sometimes allergic. In a few cases, there is also a possibility of both inflammation and allergy.
There are many varieties of lens solutions that can be used with contacts and each one of them can cause eye toxicity. The different solutions available are:
- Multi-Purpose Solution
- Re-Wetting Solution
- Artificial Tearing Products
- Rinsing Solution
- Cleaning Solution
- Disinfecting Solution
- Alternative Natural Solutions.
- All contact lens wearers are known to suffer with eye toxicity and lens solution reactions during their period of usage. This may vary from person to person.
- But, these lens solutions are often known to cause reactions upon the usage of a new solution rather than the old one to which the eye is used to.
- Not necessarily new solutions have to cause reactions, but they can do enough to bother the eye and increase toxicity.
- Also, sometimes the same product may cause problems due to a slight change in the formula by the manufacturer.
- People with lens fitting and lens comfort issues are more susceptible to lens solution reactions.
- People suffering from other eye ailments like irritation and redness are also more likely to develop eye toxicity due to lens solutions.
Signs of Eye Toxicity: Not necessarily, the eye has to look very severe upon a toxic reaction from the lens solution. But, there are a few signs that can help us recognise the cause for the reaction.
People who experience a reaction can show the following signs:
- Eye redness.
- Irritation.
- Eye Pain.
- Itching.
- Excessive tearing.
- Eye discharge.
- Blurred vision.
- Inability to wear contacts.
Look for signs such as “new and improved” on the pack to discover if the above signs are a result of the lens solution.
Lens solution reactions and eye toxicity related to it are not a serious threat. But, these reactions can cause enough problems to the eye.