Eyelids are the important part of our body. They protect, lubricate the eyes. Eyelids produce oil secretions and help in draining away the tears. There are various types of infections of the eyelids like Chalazion, Eyelid Cellulitis, Eyelid Ectropion, Eyelid Entropion etc. Some of them are discussed below.
Various Types Of Eyelid Infections:
- Chalazion: Chalazion or stye is the infection of eyelid in which a well defined lump is formed inside the eyelid. Actually, the eyelid has nearly 30 oil secreting glands both on the upper and lower eyelids. If due to any reason, one or more than one of these glands gets blocked, the secretion gets trapped inside. But the eyelid are still making the secretion. The collection of the secretion results in the formation of the lump inside the eyelid. The eye will get swelled and soreness will be noticed just under the eyelid.
- Eyelid Cellulitis: Cellulitis is the infection in which diffuse swelling of the entire eyelid is noticed, which tender, hot and red. This swelling can extend up to the face and can have discharge also. This can be caused due to a infection in the tear drainage sac. If this infection is not managed it can result in severe problems later.
- Eyelid Ectropion: Eyelid ectropian or out turning of the eyelid is the condition in which the lower eyelid is pulled away from the eye and appears as it has sag down. The symptoms of this condition are the swelling, irritation, redness in the eye and in the eyelid. The eyelids always keeps the eyelids dipped in the lubricating tears. When the eyelid sagas down so do the tears, leaving the eyelids and the eyes dry. This results in the tearing of the eyes.
- Eyelid Entropion: Entropion or inward turning of the eyelid is noticed in both the upper as well as the lower eyelid. The symptoms of this condition includes the inward pointing eyelashes. in this condition many of the eyelashes moves inward and it becomes impossible to draw them out. It can be caused due to trauma, infection, or any inflammatory condition.