I present you with a list of few alternative medicines to tackle eye infections and get healthy.
This is an alternate system of medicine which is based on the firm principle of “Like cures like”. In Homeopathy the treatment is done on whole patient body and not just the on the disease symptoms. Homoeopathy treats the individual himself not just disease present in the individual. It has various combinations of medicines which work on the diseased person. The diagnosis in entirely different in this discipline and for same disease the medicine changes form time to time. For various eye infections it has various remedies in it.
The specific oils extracted from various aromatic plants, herbs etc is used to enhance health and kill obesity. It’s an art; it’s a science to improve health and beauty. Aromatherapy can be used while massage, hot steam baths, inhalations techniques and many more ways. Eye-Infections can be cured using aromatherapy with specific treatment and a good cognizant.
Acupressure, Acupuncture
It’s an ancient Chinese medical practice that helps us to bring back good health by harmonizing the flow of positive energy in human body. It uses few pressure points in our body to be utilized. Touch healing either by using hand or finger or some other instrument pressure or by using special needle insertion. It acts on specific pressure points to activate them for positive flow of energy. For eye infections a lots of remedies are there like pressing a specific point on your palm.
Color therapy
Do you know that colors really have an affect on our body? Why do you think that see red color makes a bull angry or why do people “feel blue”; when you are depressed? There are various healing effects that different colors, different shades, tints have on human body and which color has what effect on healing a particular cases of eye infections.
Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medicine. It’s a practice (perhaps it’s the oldest medical discipline in the world) that cures with no side effects. Ayurveda means disease free life along with good health. Ayurveda has various disciplines like “KomarBhritya” the one which deals with child health. For eye infections it has various medicines which are prepared from various herbs, plants and some metals. It has no side effects and cures the disease not the symptoms.
Yoga (Body Postures)
Yoga involves different hand, leg …etc body postures to tackle various diseases .Its easy and effective way as it involves all our body muscles to be exercised increasing the blood flow into all the organs thereby purifying the organs involved. In case of diabetes it has various postures like “kapalbhati”, “anulom- vilom” just to name a few.
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Every time i come here I am not dissapointed, nice post