Convergency insufficiency is a state in which the eye muscles that are responsible for turning the eyes in (convergence) appear weak, at least in connection to the muscles responsible for turning the eyes out (divergence). However, the individuals eyes continue to remain straight in all fields of gaze. As a result of this, the eyes get strained and the individual complains of fatigue, headache, blurred vision, eyestrain etc. This condition is most common in teenagers and young adults. It can also occur in middle age adults.
Symptoms of Convergency insufficiency:
The common symptoms noticed in individuals affected with convergence insufficiency are: Headache, and asthenopia also known as eyestrain, diplopia also called double vision, moving of print, fatigue and blurred vision.
Causes of Convergence insufficiency:
The main causes of this illness is not clearly known. It is a result of misalignment of the eyes when focused on any nearby target. The misalignment affects the muscles that help in moving the eye. It so happens that, one eye moves outward when the person focuses on an object or a word from a close distance.
Treatment of Convergence Insufficiency
If there are no noticeable symptoms, treatment is not really necessary. But people showing symptoms of convergence insufficiency, treatment which includes eye-focusing exercises can improve the eyes convergence ability. Treatments may include:
Pencil push- ups where the individual has to focus on a letter beside a pencil as you move it closer to his nose.Stop the movement incase of double vision. This exercise should be done for at least 15 minutes daily.
Computer vision therapy is done on a computer using a special software specially designed to improve convergence.
Reading glasses: Prism built glasses forces the persons eyes to stress harder to align. They are also used for reading sometimes.