Due to rapid urbanization and industrialization of our cities and towns it has become really difficult to find a clean and pure atmosphere. We are continuously exposed to the harmful chemicals, wastes and other pollutants that damage our skin. We are living under a heavily polluted environment. In order to catch up with the pace of this fast moving world we undergo stress and tension. Due to the life we lead today our body is vulnerable to various types of ailments and acne is just one of them.
Skin being the outermost covering of your body and organs is under the greatest threat to these pollutants and harmful affects of the surroundings. The skin maintains itself by the powers endowed to it by nature. Some of the internal and external factors creates imbalance and affects our health. If oil glands of the skin are under active, they result in dry skin. When they are overactive, the skin is greasy.
It is very necessary for us to know our skin types before we go for cure of ailments. Acne or pimples are very common problems, which affects teenagers in general. This is a skin problem, which primarily affects face and neck. In some cases it also do affect other parts of the body. Cysts are the tiny sacs on the skin, which are filled with fluids. When the skin pores are blocked with sebum they are blocked and pimples bulges out of the skin surface. Whiteheads are formed and skin develops acne. Once these pores are open and filled with sebum blackheads are formed which appears darkened from outside.
Proper skin care is required to stop your skin, especially the facial skin to develop skin problems. This requires proper cleansing, moisturizing and care of the skin. Out of the various kinds of products available in the market you can trust on Organic Skin care products. These sooth your skin and safeguards your skin from the harmful affects of the surroundings that we are constantly exposed to.
Acne is caused due to excessive secretion of oil called sebum. This oily fluid is secreted by sebaceous glands. During teenage lot of hormonal changes takes place in the body, which stimulates these glands, which leads to production of large quantity of sebum. Due to increase in production of sebum skin becomes greasier. When bacteria and sebum are blocked in the glands, they inflame the nearby tissue, which leads to the formation of acne.
Acne is primarily a teenage problem but people in the age group of 10 – 40 might also get affected with it. Acne could be treated in various ways from allopathic to homeopathic drugs. But from the various studies conducted recently it has been found out that using organic skin care products proves to be a best deal. They are developed from the naturally occurring resources. There are several herbal, natural and Ayurvedic remedies which proves to be equally effective in this condition. Proper knowledge of the skin problem, skin type and balanced diets combined together with correct medication at correct time helps in getting rid of these ailments effectively.