Dhatu is the basic structural and nutritional body factor which supports and nourishes the seven body tissues. Consumption of food provide nourishment to our body. According to Ayurveda, the nourishment of the body gets completed in seven steps — all simultaneously or one by one. These 7 steps provide nourishment by their activities. These are called ‘Sapta Dhatus’. The Sapta dhatus are discussed in this article.
Sapta Dhatus
Sapta dhatus are of following kinds:
- Rasa Dhatu – Plasma, lymph and chyle. Rasa provides nourishment to all other 6 dhatus.
- Rakta Dhatu — Hemoglobin in blood is the Rakta dhatu. It provides energy to all other 5 dhatus. This dhatu also provides complexion to the body.
- Mamsa Dhatu — Muscle tissues are Mamsa dhatu. This dhatu covers the body and provide body movement.
- Meda Dhatu — Adipose or fat tissues of the body. This dhatu collect and deposit the energy in the fat tissues of the body.
- Asthi Dhatu — The muscular system of the body is the Asthi dhatu. This dhatu bears the body and provide body movements.
- Majja Dhatu — Bone marrow is called Majja dhatu. This dhatu is responsible for providing nourishment and love. The structure of majja dhatu is also soft and smooth.
- Shukra Dhatu — Ovum, semen and sperm are considered to be Shukra dhatu. This dhatu is important for reproduction. Thus, this dhatu provides power to the reproductive strengths.
These Sapta dhatus hod the body and provide nourishment and strength to the body. There are some updhatus which are also equally important for holding the body. These updhatus include nails, hair, ligaments etc.
According to Ayurveda, the diseases are caused due to vitiation in Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas, but the actual pathology takes place in the Sapta dhatus. Thus, the Sapta dhatus are considered to be pillars of the body which provide support as well as nourishment to the mind and body.