1. Carrots:
Nutrient content – 41 kcal/100gm
Carrots have β-carotene, fiber, antioxidants and minerals in them which are very helpful for every common man’s health. β-carotene can convert into vitamin A by the bile salts of our intestine. It can also be helpful in treating digestive problems, constipation, intestinal parasites and tonsillitis.
2. Beets:
Beet extracts can protect livers in diabetic as well as in normal persons. Beet root can also be used to treat fevers and constipation. Beet leaves may be used to bind wounds while its juice can lower blood pressure and boost body stamina by 60%. The nitrates in the juice can reduce the oxygen uptake which makes us feel less tiring. The beet juice is rich in Boron which has a very active role in producing human sex hormones, hence called an Aphrodisiac. It can actively deal with diseases related with digestion and blood and also ideal in cancer patients. All parts of the beet plant has oxalic acid.
3. Potatoes:
Nutritional value: 77 kcal/100gm
Potato is a starchy carbohydrate-rich vegetable containing vitamins and minerals. It also has phytochemicals like carotenoids and poly-phenols. 150g of potato can provides 27 mg of vitamin C, 620 mg of potassium, 0.2 mg of vitamin B6 and traces of thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folate, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and zinc. It is also rich in fibers which can help in checking colon cancer, improving glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. Fibers content cal also lower plasma cholesterol and lower fat levels.
4. Tomatoes:
Nutritional value: 18 kcal/100gm
Tomatoes are non-starchy and a good source of Lycopene, an antioxidant. Thus, is very beneficial to heart. Lycopene after cooking has seen to prevent prostrate cancer and can also improve the protecting ability of our skin against harmful UV rays. Tomatoes are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Anthocyanin.
Tomato consumption can reduce the risk of breast cancer, head cancer and neck cancers and many neural diseases.
5. Apples:
Nutritional: 52 kcal/100gm
Apples are always recommended to diabetic patients as they can reduce the amount of insulin requirement of our body. It is highly rich in pectin that can detoxify our body. Apples can reduce the chances of colon cancer, lung cancer and prostrate cancer due to presence of many phenolic compounds (quercetin, epicatechin, and procyanidin B2) in it and antioxidants that can act as anti-cancer agents. It has very low amounts of Vitamin C. These are very ideal against cholesterol, heart diseases and weight loss. But avoid eating seeds.
6. Pomegranates:
Nutritional value: 285 kcal/100gm
Pomegranate does not increase the blood sugar level in the body. Its juice is a very good source of Vitamin C, Vitamin B5, antioxidant polyphenols and minerals like Potassium. Pomegranate juice is seen to be very effective in reducing the risk factors to heart diseases and artherosclerosis. It can also reduce the blood pressure (systolic value) by blocking the action of the serum angiotensin-converting enzyme. It can also check viral infections in the body and bacterial infections in dental parts. The juice can also check the human breast cancer cells development.
7. Broccoli:
Broccoli is rich in vitamin A, C and K along with dietary fibers. It has certain other chemical compounds that are anti-cancer agents. A compound called 3,3′-Diindolylmethane is also present in the broccoli which can modulate our innate immune response system with anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-cancer activities very potentially. These are very beneficial in preventing heart disease.
8. Green beans:
Nutritional Value: 30 kcal/100gm
Green beans are rich in vitamin C.
9. Spinach:
Nutritional Value: 23 kcal/100gm
Spinach is rich inf Iron, Calcium, Antioxidants, Vitamin A, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, E and K, minerals (like – Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium and Phosphorous) proteins, selenium and Omega-3 fatty acids.
10. Bitter Gourd:
Nutritional value: 79 kcal/100gm
Bitter Gourd can enhance the digestion power and check poor digestive problems, constipation and dyspepsia. If you are experiencing heartburn and ulcers then intake of bitter melons can get it worsen. It has quinine in it so is also ideal in malarial patients. The leaves are very beneficial for treating diabetes. The leaves can be consumed directly or used to make tea. It can also treat HIV infection. It can improve the immune functions of all immune cells. Hence termed as an Immunomodulator. It is also ideal for cancer patients. Type 2 diabetes prevention is also possible by bitter gourd. It increase the insulin sensitivity and can lower the increased blood sugar level. It has 4 bio active compounds those can regulate the glucose metabolism in our body. The bitter melon has Lectin in it which can act as Insulin.
Prefer eating vegetables without any oil fry. Baking, Boiling, microwaving or grilling are ideal.
1 Comment
Hey, thanks for the great post. Honestly, about three months ago I started a new dieting regime, I’ve been on the chubby side my entire adult life and I’ve tried everything. I found personally that the only thing that worked for me was hard work and putting the effort. Good luck and thanks for the great article.