One cause for allergy can be chronic stress. If you experience stress on a regular basis, it is possible that your allergy symptoms will get worse because of the stress. How does stress affect your allergies and how can the symptoms be treated.
What is Stress?
Stress is the reaction in the body to circumstances that are not desirable. Symptoms of stress include:
– Irritability
– Alarm
– Exhaustion
– Increased adrenaline production
This makes the body incapable of relaxation. Stress is related to hormones in the brain. Research has discovered that there is a link between the amount of hormones released in the brain because of stress and allergy symptoms. This is why you are likely to suffer from allergic rhinitis, eczema or other allergy symptoms more when you are stressed. Therefore, if you experience from stress on a daily basis, your allergy is bound to be affected by it.
How to Treat Stress Allergy?
Stress causes both physical and emotional distress. Your body will feel uncomfortable and tense, if you are experiencing stress. Also, you are likely to be emotionally fatigued, when experiencing stress. These are reasons that can aggravate your allergies. Treatment of stress related allergy has to deal with both the emotional and physical reasons for the condition.
– Emotional stress
Therapy is often a valuable help in dealing with emotional problems. When it is not possible to talk to a therapist, you can talk to your friends, family and even your pet. It is often helpful in dealing with emotional stress, to be able to let it out by talking to someone.
– Physical stress
Physical stress can be caused by too much work or a medical condition. Allergy symptoms can get better if the reason for the stress is acknowledged and treated. By lowering your work load or improving working conditions, you can find relief. Medical conditions that cause stress in the form of discomfort or pain can be addressed with appropriate treatments or remedies. In this case it is also useful to see a doctor, in order to find out the options for treatment you have at your disposal.