Constant watch out on the weather forecast, usage of the Air-conditioners, limited outings, carpet cleanings and washing of bed sheets can be a strenuous and expensive affair for those who suffer from Allergic reactions.
In order to make life simpler and easier researchers have come up with a specific immunotherapy against allergies wherein the body stops reacting to the source of allergy. This would mean no running noses, embarrassing sneezes and a stoppage to perennial watery eyes.
Allergen Immunotherapy according to researchers can be done with the aid of certain injections, sublingual therapy (drops which have to be taken under the tongue), tablets, and sprays.
Research is till being conducted to test out the effectiveness of this specific Immunotherapy against allergens. According to a recent study, most of these immunotherapy procedures are already being practiced in Germany. The sublingual therapy on the other hand is gaining a lot of prominence in Europe and is found to be more effective than the injections.
Scientists are still yet to find out the reason why sublingual treatment is more effective than Injections.
Also, researchers have found out that parents can relive the suffering of their children who are prone to allergic reactions by quitting smoking. Smoking is said to be the major cause of so many children suffering from allergic reactions.
Also, various studies are being conducted to find out the effectiveness of Probiotics.
Probiotics are drugs, which pregnant women can take in the later stage of their pregnancy to prevent their babies from developing any kind of allergic reactions.
Science has developed greatly and is coming up with measures that help make life less complicated and easy to live. This therapy will surely prove to be a great benefit for those who suffer from allergic reactions.