Do you know what kind of interventions for dyscalculia would be effective on secondary school? In our last article, we had written about interventions for dyscalculia on primary school. Therefore, you should have known about these interventions (with UK study case).
This article is written as the fourth part of dyscalculia series. As a continuation of the last article, this article will now explain about interventions for dyscalculia on secondary school.
Hopefully, you will gain useful information about dyscalculia, especially interventions for dyscalculia on secondary school.
We wish you a very happy learning!
Interventions for Dyscalculia on Secondary School (study case in the United Kingdom)
In the previous article, we had written about three levels of support in order to help children reach the expected level of achievement. In this case, the expected achievement would be level of achievement in mathematic.
These three levels of support are as follows:
Wave 1: Children who have problem with the standard lessons
Wave 2: Small group interventions for children who struggle with the standard lessons
Wave 3: Children with problem to understand the lessons given in the Wave 2, will be given an individually-targeted Wave 3 intervention.
Based on the above supports, it seems student with dyscalculia are likely to be identified easily. Nevertheless, children with moderate to severe dyscalculia tend to struggle more, although they have Wave 3 interventions.
This problem will become worse due to lack number of dyscalculia specialists. Therefore, more studies and researches in a bid to find the best way to help dyscalculic people in an effective and efficient way would be very helpful.
In the next article, we will write about interventions for dyscalculia on further and higher education.