Emotional Eating is a condition when a person eats in order to find some sort of a relief from stress, boredom, sadness, isolation or anything related to some emotions that have made him/ her suffer. More often than not the person himself is not aware of why he or she is doing this.
However, many a time a person might get addicted to emotional eating which would lead to over-diet, which in turn means stepping towards obesity.
What Causes Emotional Eating?
We lead a stressful life–one where we have to meet our deadlines, deal with a thousand people each day, have our personal strife with our loved ones. All these gets on our nerves, makes us crazy at times, we look for some sort of solace in something. It is during such times that we gorge on food as if the pleasure out of it would give some sort of relief.
Why Does One Indulge In Emotional Eating?
It is necessary for us to know why we eat when we are emotionally disturbed: firstly, there is the satisfaction one gets from it (when people indulge in emotional eating they often eat fatty foods like chips, chocolates, pastries which have either high salt or sugar levels), the second fact is that certain hormones are produced in our bodies when we are tempted to a piece of chocolate cake, for example.
Are You A Victim?
The first thing is people might not realize that they are eating due to emotional reasons. The extra fat gets added so silently that one never realize that he is putting on weight and going out of shape.So, in case you know such a person around you please stop him or her from ruining his/ her health. You might also be a victim of it, try to make that out. Take care!!