Do you wake up in the morning with itchy eyes, stuffy nose, sneezing and sore throat? If so, you might be suffering from dust mite allergy. Dust mites are microscopic creatures which thrive on the bedding. They live on human skin flakes and hair. Although the dust mites themselves do not cause allergies, their feces and corpses can cause an allergy. One of the best solution to prevent dust mite allergies is to use dust mite covers.
Dust mite covers also known as allergy pillow covers can prevent dust mite allergies. They look like a normal pillowcase, but they can block the dust mites from entering into the pillow. The fabric used for these anti-allergy pillows consists of tiny pores, of 3 microns or less. As a dust mite can be around 10 microns, the cover can effectively keep the dust mites out. The allergy pillow covers have the following features:
- Can be zipped over the pillow
- Can be washed
- They keep out the dust mites, and also the allergens such as dander, pollen, and mold
- They have pore size of 3 microns
Using Dust Mite Covers:
Before using these covers, vacuum your pillow to get rid of the existing allergens. The dust mite cover can then be zipped over your pillow. Over your mite cover, you can put your normal pillow cover. Washing the dust mite cover in hot water of 130 degree Fahrenheit is recommended. Using these covers on a regular basis can prevent you from dust mite allergy.
Along with the anti-allergy pillows, you can also choose mattress covers to further prevent dust mite allergy. Also remember to wash your pillow covers and other bedding at 130 degree Fahrenheit to get rid of the dust mites.