Our present day lifestyle is the main reason for most of the health problems we are facing. And, obesity is one of the major problems caused by unhealthy lifestyle. Overeating and reduced physical activity are the main causes for obesity. Yoga is a scientific method which can effectively treat the obesity problem by correcting the unhealthy lifestyle attitude. Unlike other methods Yoga can treat obesity without any side effects.
Causes of obesity:
- Energy which you take in the form of food gets stored as fatty tissue in the body
- From an active lifestyle you might have shifted to lifestyle more sedentary.
- Change in your diet – excess consumption of fats, carbohydrates, sugars and other processed food articles which have empty calories
- An accident or disease which has resulted in reduced physical activity.
- Heredity may also be a reason for obesity.
Effects of obesity:
- Fat is not only stored in the exterior region of the body but it also gets accumulated around the visceral organs
- So the vital organs are surrounded by excess of fat and they need to put an extra effort to perform the activity
- Obesity invites other diseases like diabetes, heart diseases, hypertension, arthritis and results in many other imbalances
- Obesity may also develop various psychological disorders like depression.
Yogic diet concept:
According to yoga, food is the energy source for the body and it also acts as medicine for the body. Life is continued and maintained because of the food. Food is not only the meal which is digested in the digestive tract but it is the source of nourishment. In the context of yoga, obesity does not refer only to the physical body. It also means various other aspects of our being and how we nourish and mobilize them. So while treating obesity through yoga it’s not enough to treat with special diet charts but it is necessary to treat the body at the level of consciousness.
Yoga Therapy:
Yoga is a scientific method for raising our body or mind for the expression of realization. Hence in yoga therapy we don’t exercise for burning extra calories but to build up body awareness. Yoga therapy includes understanding the body language, how it functions, and what is best for it. We can adjust our lifestyle and diet according to the needs of our mind and body. There are different postures or asanas to treat obesity:
- Pawanamuktasana: it helps to reduce excess fat from the hips, thighs and abdomen
- Shakti Bandha Series: it is also helpful in reducing obesity by eliminating the energy blockages from the abdominal and pelvic regions
- Vajrasana Series: it is powerful for balancing and toning sexual energy which is generally depleted in obese person
- Surya Namaskara or Sun Salutation: It is most important series for obesity treatment. It helps to correct the metabolic imbalance and influences nervous and the endocrine system
- Pranayama: it is the dynamic form to stimulate metabolism
- Shatkarmas: it is a series of internal cleansing techniques. It also helps in balancing our emotions and makes you feel lighter