Lodhra is an important Ayurvedic herb. There are references of this herb in Charaka Samhita, Astangasangraha, Yogarathnakara and Susruthasamhitha. The bark of the tree has a cooling effect and is a mild astringent. The herb is an antimicrobial agent as it inhibits the growth of E. coli and staphylococci bacteria.
The botanical name of Lodhra herb is Symplocos racemosa, which belongs to the family Symplocaceae. This herb is also recommended for the cure of snake and scorpion bites. This herb is taken internally in the form of kashaya or choorna. Other benefits of lodhra herb are discussed in this article.
Ayurvedic Properties of Lodhra
Lodhra has the following Ayurvedic properties:
- Guna – Laghu, rukhsa
- Rasa – Kashaya
- Vipaka – Katu
- Veerya – Seetha
- Doshkarma – Kaphapitta samaka
Health Benefits of Lodhra
Lodhra herb has the following health benefits:
- Bleeding Gums — Lodhratwak paste, rasot, honey and tubers of cyperus rotundus are applied on the gums to stop their bleeding. Decoction of the bark is used for treatment of bleeding gums.
- Malignant Growths — This herb is a constituent of a plaster used for maturation of malignant growths and boils.
- Insect Bites — Lodhra herb is used as a paste for treatment of scorpion and snake bites.
- Stomach Problems — The bark of this herb is used for treatment of various bowel problems like dysentery, diarrhea and liver disorders.
- Fever — Bark is used to cure fever and other diseases such as dropsy, ulcers and eye diseases etc.
Pharmacological Actions
Lodhra herb is considered to have the following pharmacological actions:
- Antidiarrheal
- Antimicrobial
- Spasmogenic
- Heart depressant
- Blood pressure depressant
The above are some of the health benefits of lodhra herb. Lodhra herb is considered as an important drug to obtain the desired result and to maintain drug concentration in blood. The herb is rich in alkaloids such as loturine, loturedine and colloturine. It also has glycosides, phytatosterols and reducing sugars.
1 Comment
I enjoyed reading your article about the Lodhra Herb as an Ayurvedic Cure. It seems like its applications are many. You mention in your article the pharmacological actions of these Ayurvedic Remedies as: Antidiarrheal, Antimicrobial, Spasmogenic, Heart depressant, Blood pressure depressant. I am particularly interested in it use in lowering blood pressure. How does one uses it and where in the US can it be obtained.