Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine and treatment, a system of complete wholesome well-being. It makes use of herbs and herbal tonics and formulations to treat a wide range of infections and disorders of every kind. It has treatments and dietary recommendations for simple problems like acne and constipation to serious disorders like diabetes and impotency. It is also one of the very few traditional systems to include surgery.
Ayurveda Tridosha system
The Dosha system of Ayurveda is based on the belief that each individual is governed by natural elements. There are three primary Doshas or body types, each of which are governed by any two of the five basic natural elements of Fire, Air, Water, Earth and Ether. Although each individual has all these three Doshas, there is one dominant body type and this determines the individual’s body constitution, nature, behavior and personality.
The three Doshas are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Each one of these Doshas is governed by two of the five basic natural elements and governs some part of the psychological and physiological functions in the individual. Imbalances in these Doshas can cause health problems.
The three Doshas
Vata Dosha: This Dosha is governed by Air and Ether. It is responsible for breathing,flow of blood throughout the body and elimination of waste from the body as well as controlling flow of thoughts. As it governs these major processes, it is considered to be the highest of the three Doshas.
Its seat is the pelvic cavity, large intestine, ears, thighs and skin. Any imbalances in this Dosha can cause problems in these regions of the body.
Pitta Dosha: This Dosha is governed by Fire and Water. It governs mostly metabolic functions in the body like digestion and control of body temperature.
Its seat is blood, skin, small intestine, eyes, sweat glands and stomach. Any imbalances in this Dosha will be manifested in these areas of the body.
Kapha Dosha: This Dosha is governed by Earth and Water. It governs immune system, emotions and muscle strength in the body.
Its seat is lungs, spinal fluid surrounding the spinal cord and chest. Any imbalances in this Dosha will show up in these areas of the body.