Do you suffer from stress and anxiety because of your 24/7 hectic life? Do you have time to go to massage centre every day for relaxation therapies? If you do not have time to do that, don’t worry, you can massage yourself from home! You can save your priceless time and keep your body healthy!
Self-massage has been an integral part of Indian’s daily life. Abhayanga or massage is an important treatment in the Ayurvedic system of medicine for relaxing and comforting the body. Whole body massage can prepare you for better performance.
How Does Self-Massage Help You?
- It rejuvenates your body and mind
- It provides well-being
- Balances body and mind
- Keeps your energy level high during the day time
- Relieves fatigue
- Soothes nerves
- Reduces stress
- Increases stamina
- Provides good sleep
- Tones and strengthens muscles
- Helps in lubricating joints
- Increases blood circulation in the body
- Increases the supply of nutrients to the cells
- Calms and balances Doshas-the energy forces
- Helps the body to remove metabolic wastes and toxins
- Increases complexion and smoothness of your skin
- Moisturizes skin
Ayurvedic Oil for Self-Massage
There are special Ayurvedic oils prescribed for massage. Here are some massage oils you can choose from,
- Sesame oil
- Mustard oil
- Coconut oil
- Brahmi oil
- Mahanarayana oil
Tips for Self-Massage
Follow these tips for massaging your body:
- Massage your body in the morning, before shower
- Warm the massage oil by putting the container in the hot water
- For best result massage for 30 minutes
- Massage whole body, give attention to each part your body
- Relax for 5 to 10 minutes after the massage
- Take bath in warm water after the massage
Massage your body everyday morning to keep your energy level high during the daytime. Let this relaxing and rejuvenating self-massage be part your life/routine and live longer and healthier.