It is seen generally that people take up fast without any preparation. Be it body or mind, one has to be prepared before taking up fasting. If not one is destined to miss the desired results and the whole effort will appear to be of use.
Preparing your body for any fast that you take not only makes the fast result-oriented but also makes it easy. In this article, we give you a few tips to so that you prepare your body for fasting (before fasting).
Following are a few tips on ‘How to prepare your body for a fast’
- Know all the pros and cons of the fast that you are taking up. Educate yourself as much as you can. This gives you confidence in following the process.
- Write down all the instructions that are given to you while fasting. Organizing and planning on the paper is a good way to start your fast. The schedule that you made will be a contract to have a meaningful fast. Thus it helps you to be determined about the fast.
- Taper off or give up all your addictions at least a few days before the fast. Cut down on salt, sugar, masala and other things as well. If you cut down immediately on the day of fast then your body may show withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, stomach aches or discomfort.
- Cut down your diet a few days before the fast. This helps you to give better signal to your body that you are going to take up fast in near future.
- Do not take up a big ‘last supper’ the night before the fast. Be conservative and normal before fasting.
- Gather all the ingredients and requisites before fasting. Bump start your fast with fully prepared mind and body.
Happy Fasting!