Fasting is a very natural way of curing or healing the body from different ailments. But there are some concepts which are to be understood which can be treated as the side effects of fasting. One of the known side effects is bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis, where the patient is abnormally elevated in his moods. His energy levels are very high even though there is no consumption of food.
Bipolar Disorder: It is also called as manic-depressive illness. In bipolar disorder, the patient does not consume food in any way. But still the body is capable of generating energy and keeping itself in a very active state. It is described as mood disorders. There are one or more instances, where the patient shows abnormal levels of energy. This is clinically referred to as mania or hypomania (if the person is experiencing high levels of depression).
Fasting Role in Bipolar Disorder: Fasting is known for stimulating brain cells, as the brain has to take the extra burden of supporting the body without food. It is not yet confirmed as to what is the root cause for bipolar disorder. Mental alertness is said to increase when the person is fasting. This will bring a lot of energy mentally and your senses are enhanced. One possible connection of fasting and bipolar disorder is, due to the high energy levels mentally, the brain starts to stimulate the body with emotions and curbs all the energy consuming functions. This will give sufficient energy to other activities.
Advice for Bipolar Disorder Patients: Bipolar patients already suffer from high energy levels. And they are prone to lose their appetite. Therefore, fasting is not suggested for individuals who are suffering from this disorder. People who have psychiatric disorders are often advised to stay away from fasting, as the natural process of the body is disturbed.
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