List out the reasons
Sure, you want to quit smoking because you have certain reasons behind it and you also have certain benefits from it. List out those reasons and benefits why you want to quit. It may be you want a happy healthy family, save yourself from the health complications, set a good example to your kids, etc. Before you learn how to quit it’s important you know why you want to quit. So, write out all the benefits and reasons for quitting smoking.
Dream the next
Dream about how your life would be once you stop smoking. Visualize the happy healthy life you will lead afterwards – the smiles and the laughter on the faces of your loved ones, and the good feelings that pour into your life as a reward of stopping smoking. This keeps you inspired and strong in your efforts to quit smoking
Starting to quit
The first step in your efforts to quit smoking is learning why you smoke. If you know it the problem is half-solved. Once you find a remedy to the root cause you can easily solve the problem. For example if boredom or stress is the cause of your smoking habit then relax yourself with various relaxation techniques like meditation and yoga. Also, do some exercising and involve in reading some interesting books.
Smoke less, day by day
For most of the people it is hard to quit smoking at one go. So, the best advice is — quit smoking by smoking less day by day. If you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, make it to half a packet per day after 2 weeks. And quit totally after a month.
Know by when
Set a specific deadline by when you want to get rid of this habit ‘completely’. This helps you to work towards your goal with complete determination.
Don’t forget that once you quit the smoking habit, keep yourself to it by reminding yourself about the great benefits you are getting after you quit.