Do I Need Special Foods Such as Extra Carbs for Running ?
No, not at all. Running for a few hours at a normal pace only burns around 200 calories of energy. So there is no need for extra carbohydrate diet. Have a small snack a few hours before you run. Take healthy diet during the rest of the day as usual, according to a regular schedule.
Should I Drink Water Before or After the Completion of Running ?
Running exhausts an individual, more so when the climate is hot. Maintaining electrolyte balance, is another crucial aspect that needs to be taken care of during running. But there is no need for any sports drink until and unless you are preparing for a marathon. Take a little bit of water or fresh orange juice before and after the completion of running.
What Diet is Better for Runners ?
Take standard and simple diet. Go for natural foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean meat. Avoid processed foods as far as possible. There is absolutely no need for any “super foods” and vitamin supplements.
Does Running Help me in Losing Weight ?
Running does not help in losing weight, until and unless it is accompanied by healthy and ample dietary intake.
Do Stretching Exercises Help me in Running ?
There is a popular belief that stretching before the running helps in avoiding injuries. Recent research and experience of the experts, disapproves this popular misconception. Stretching exercises should be done after the running is over, not before the running.
Will I Die of Heart Attack if I Run Longer Distances ?
No. Only in rarest of rare instances heart attacks are witnessed. Heart attacks may happen in case of people with some medical predisposition, such as untreated high blood pressure. However if you develop symptoms such as shortness of breath, tightening of chest and arms especially on the left side, cold sweats and vomiting, immediately contact your physician.