Many foods contain pollen, which can be a problem for sufferes of pollen allergy. This article will explain what foods can cause your pollen allergy symptoms.
Pollen allergy or hay fever is triggered when you smell or ingest pollen from a plant. There are many vegetables and fruit that contain eirhter small or large amounts of pollen or pollen proteins and can trigger a reaction in people with allergies. The proteins found in pollen can cause this with people who have an allergy to pollen. Symptoms might include runny nose, wheezing, breathing difficulties, coughing, itchy and watery eyes, as well as hives and rashes.
The proteins that are found in fruits and vegetables are similar to ones found in pollen. This is why the body can have symptoms when you suffer from pollen allergy. Essentially the body is tricked into thinking that the substance in the food is pollen and this is why an allergic reaction will occur. This is called cross-reactivity. Here are some pollen allergies and foods that can trigger symptoms.
– Ragweed allergy
People with this condition react badly to bananas, cantaloupes, watermelons and tomatoes.
– Birch pollen allergy
Kiwi, apples, pears, peaches, coriander, plums, fennel, parsley, celery, cherries, hazelnut, kiwi and almonds can cause this form of allergy.
– Grass allergy
Peaches, celery, tomatoes, melons and oranges can cause allergy symptoms.
– Latex allergy
People with latex rubber allergy can get symptoms from foods too. Bananas, avocados, chestnut, kiwi and papaya are sometimes involved with causing symptoms.
If you suffer from any of these allergies you may experience itching in the mouth after eating the food. Allergy can be tested by using a skin prick test. This will let you know if allergy to pollen is causing your symptoms.